Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Electronic Cigarettes – Odd, Weird and Funny But They Work!

Although it may sound completely bizarre, many people are beginning to buy electronic cigarettes in order to aid them in quitting smoking. Electronic cigarettes are actually a safe way to quit smoking, and it doesn't seem to put people through as much misery as other quitting smoking methods do because it gives smokers some nicotine and the smoker can become in control of how much their nicotine intake is. Another thing that's important to almost any smoker is that smoking electronic cigarettes feels like the real thing, and many smokers will tell you that the simple act of smoking is one of the hardest things to give up when quitting smoking. Electronic cigarettes are the same size as a tobacco cigarette, and they even produce a water vapor to simulate real cigarette smoke, except the smell of cigarette smoke is completely eliminated, and instead, no one would even know you were "smoking" if they didn't see you doing it.

When smokers buy electronic cigarettes, they also have to buy E-Juice, and that is what fills the e-cigarettes cartridges, which are refillable. E-Juice is what gives electronic cigarettes their strength, literally. When smokers buy E-Juice, they choose what flavor and strength they want their smokeless cigarettes to be. Similar to the way a smoker buys a light cigarette or a stronger, "regular" cigarette, smokers can do the same when they buy E-Juice. They can buy E-juice that is specific to their own preference, and many smokers are pleased to find a better flavor in E-Juice than what tobacco cigarettes even taste like.

After a smoker has bought their electronic cigarettes and E-juice, they're ready to get started on the path to being a non-smoker. Since E-juice is available in different strengths, this means that each different type of E-Juice has different levels of nicotine in it, so the smoker is able to take ‘steps' down in the amount of nicotine they're taking in, similar to the way Nicorette gum works, except most are finding it more helpful because they're not suddenly giving up the act of smoking. Better yet, if the smoker decided that they enjoyed the act of it more than anything, they can even buy E-Juice that is completely nicotine free, so if they wanted, they could go on "smoking" forever without having to take in any nicotine.

Obviously, smokers are also lessening other health risks since electronic cigarettes aren't as harmful as tobacco cigarettes.

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